In the online realm of marketing, your brand has the potential to reach MILLIONS. But before your content can break the internet, it’s important to start small and define a specific audience to reach. You may be thinking: “Why do I need to have a specific audience goal when marketing online?”. A successful online marketing strategy with their audience in mind will provide better user experience as well as allowing you to perfectly craft engaging content. Today, we’re giving you a quick 101 lesson all about how to create the right online marketing strategy to reach your audience!
Do Research On Your Audience!
When defining an audience to target, don’t just assume their online behavior. In other words, DO YOUR RESEARCH! There are numerous ways to gather information about certain demographics from checking Census information or even a quick Google search! Collecting enough information of your audience will make significant differences in how your product reaches potential customers; this could include anything from your audience’s values and interests.
Study Your Targeted Demographic
So where can you begin to do research? Chances are if you have created your brand you already have a general idea of who you want to target. Now, you have to study how that specific explores the internet, and how you can lead them to your website or social media platform! A great place to start is just to look at your competitors. Take a glance at the techniques they’re using to target their audience such specific phrasing or use of certain images (Also check if these techniques are successful for them!). This is also the perfect chance to do some quick keyword research to see what your audience is actually searching for. Keyword research will directly play into your brand’s SEO technique and get it ranking on the search engines (We already wrote a quick blurb about SEO here!).
Creating a customer persona is key for really outlining your ideal online audience. Many businesses use this as an opportunity to depict your demographic as a “character” to help better conceptualize who you’re supposed to target (you may even give them a name!). When creating this persona, GET SPECIFIC right down to the nitty-gritty. Details such as personality traits, education, family life, and even income will help to outline EXACTLY who you’re marketing to.
Social Listening
Now that you have your ideal online audience defined, it’s time to study their online and social habits! Social listening will help you see what already existing topics or content are engaging to your audience. This will require you to monitor what is being said about your product on numerous social media networks. Observe what social media platforms your customer persona is most active on versus others. Effective social listening will not only allow you to improve your content strategy, but it will also help to manage your brand’s reputation.
Adapt Your Marketing Campaign
Researching and understanding your brand’s intended demographic is key for creating a successful marketing strategy. This will help you generate a relevant list of keywords and topics that will generate leads. Once you have a clear image, it’s time to start tailoring your content/product to your ideal online audience!
Want help creating apropos content or structuring an effective online marketing strategy? Schedule a consultation with us today!